
Altered Book: The Cover

As a reminder, here is the book I've decided to alter for my Altered Book Round Robin.

After some serious deliberation, I decided I wanted to try making the cover look like stained glass, giving it color and depth. In order to do that, my plan was to do shape cut-outs of both paper and the cover. Having never tried anything like this before, I made a trip to my local Michael's (always a good time) to pick up an X-acto knife and cutting mat.

I drew my pattern on the back of black metallic cardstock and began cutting.

I glued my stain-glass frame to the book cover and used it as a stencil to make the same cut-outs through the cover, exposing the text beneath. The back cover actually turned out to be my favorite.
Front cover

Back cover.
I left some of the spaces filled in the back cover. In fact, it turned out so well that I didn't fill in with color for my stained glass look either. I just liked how it looked. 

After a mess of glue and tissue paper!

It seemed appropriate that the introduction should be the place where people introduce themselves and their additions to my book!


  1. AMY! This looks amazing! I am SO impressed with you...and I miss you like crazy!

  2. I'm absolutely blown away~I love it! The stained glass effect is brilliant~

  3. You are so cool! Seriously! (I might need to steal this idea for our SRP programs--our theme is "One World, Many Stories!"
